Innerspec 访问 Sidenor 和 Valji 的设施以进行最后的 STEELAR 系统测试

July 2, 2024

Innerspec’s european R&D team recently conducted the final tests of the STEELAR system at Sidenor's and Valji's facilities, marking a significant milestone in the project’s journey.

The STEELAR project has been funded by the European Commission under the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) Programme, aiming to develop and validate an innovative non-destructive solution based on ultrasonic EMAT technology to measure residual stress levels on steel components, providing decision-aiding information to manufacturers.

As a global leader in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Innerspec brings extensive expertise in EMAT technology to the project, with four of our top experts in the steel industry contributing to this advancement.Discover more about this exciting development on the STEELAR website:
