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专为 “监听” 高频信号而设计。就像高度敏感的 “耳朵” 一样,声发射传感器将材料的 “声音” 解释为可用的 AE 波形。

物理声学的传感器专为 “监听” 高频信号而设计。就像高度敏感的 “耳朵” 一样,声发射传感器将材料的 “声音” 解释为可用的 AE 波形。此外,AE 传感器有助于了解材料在自然环境中的行为。

AE 传感器是决定如何应用补救解决方案和维修来解决结构问题的重要环节。AE 传感器用于测试储罐、热交换器、管道、反应堆、空中升降设备以及天然气、石化设备和核电厂。Physical Acoustics 的传感器可以采用特定功能构建,以满足项目或应用的特定需求。


Acoustic Emission Sensors
Sensor / Description Operating Frequency Range Applications Catalogue
AM21 – 23 kHz
22-25 KHz Airbone leak detection and monitor other
types of faults and failure conditions that
emit airborne ultrasonic sound at or
very near the sensor’s resonant frequency.
Model AM2I
D9241A - 10-100 KHZ
20-60 kHz Monitor big power transformers. Model D9241A
Flat Frequency Reponse
F15 – 100 – 400 kHz
100-450 kHz Structural health monitoring of large
structures like storage tanks, pipelines,
Model F15A
High Temperature
D9215 – 50 – 650 kHz
50-650 KHz High temperature, radiation
environments (Nuclear Power Plants).
Monitoring high temperature equipment
in power plants, aerospace engine
monitoring, pipelines, etc.
Model D9215
Integral Preamp
AM41 – 40 kHz
39 -42 kHz Airborne leak detection. It may also be
used to monitor other types of
faults and failure conditions that
emit airborne ultrasonic sound at or
very near the sensor’s resonant
Model AM4I
Intrinsically Safe
ISR3CA-HT-30 kHz
10-100kHz Leak detection or structural health
monitoring in harsh environments
requiring intrinsic safety.
Monitoring of pipelines, pressure
vessels and storage tanks in petroleum
refineries, chemical plants and offshore
Low Frequency
PK31 – 30kHz
15-40 kHz To be used with the Pocket AE, a small
handheld AE system, or with the
Sensor Highway II, an outdoor rated,
on-line monitoring system.
Model PK3I
Medium Frequency
100-450 kHz To be used with the Pocket AE, a small
handheld AE system, or with the
Sensor Highway II, an outdoor rated,
on-line monitoring system.
Model PK15I
Acoustic Emission Sensors
Sensor / Description Operating Frequency Range Applications Catalogue
Miniature PICO 200 – 750 kHz Any application with a noisy
environment and requiring
a small size, midband frequency
Their high sensitivity and bandwidth
makes them ideal for structural health
monitoring of critical structures
like aircrafts, storage tanks etc.
Typical applications include monitoring
for fatigue and corrosion cracking
in metals, delaminations and fiber
breakage in composites.
It can easily be mounted using epoxy
and can be mounted in small and
tight spaces.
Model PICO
50-200 kHz Structural health monitoring of
underground structures like
pipelines, oil tanks, tunnels etc.
They can also be used for monitoring
geological structures
and seismic activity.
Model R15-UG
50-400 kHz Structural health monitoring of
submerged structures like offshore
oil and gas platforms, ships etc.
They can be used inside any liquid filled
platforms like pipelines, chemical tanks
or any other submerged structures.
Model R15I-UC
F301-AST-150-750 kHz
150-700 kHz Flat response of these sensors help
eliminate the sharp rise and fall
in the sensitivity with frequency
commonly seen in resonant sensors,
providing additional information for
engineers to analyze.
Are well suited for research
applications where a high fidelity
AE response is required.


标准 EMAT 和 DCUT 传感器及附件,适用于最常见的应用(普通光束、导波、角度光束)

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