Innerspec participates as a consortium partner in the European R&D project “REVERSIVE- Reversible Adhesive”. The REVERSIVE project consortium is formed by Galega de Impermeabilizaciones y Revestimientos Especiales S.A, GAITEK Industrial Automation Solutions S.L., INNERSPEC Technologies Europe S.L., ÉireComposites and University College Dublin.

The main objective of the REVERSIVE project is to develop adhesives capable of being peeled or re-peeled on demand, facilitating the disassembly of components for repair after manufacturing or disassembly at the end of their useful life. The adhesive will be environmentally sustainable and recyclable. REVERSIVE will generate innovations that will lead to the development of faster and cheaper composite repair technologies, both on production lines and in service. It will also enable the recovery of parts rejected during manufacturing (due to defects), reducing costs for manufacturers and end users.

INNERSPEC's goal is to develop a novel NDT application to assess adhesion and detect potential defects or problems that could pose an operational risk if not addressed during manufacturing.

This project has received program funding within the EUROSTARS-3 program of the international innovation network Eureka, co-funding from CDTI and the European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (2021-2027).