The Acoustic Emission NDT technique is based on the detection and conversion of high frequency elastic waves into electrical signals.

Valve Leak Detection
Leak detection by means of Non Destructive Evaluation tools is based recording acoustic emission signals generated by the turbulent flow in the leak hole.
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Turbine Blade Flaw Detection
It is important to characterise failure modes in order to improve reliability of composite materials which are part of aeroplane or wind turbine’s subsystems.
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Monitoring of High Voltage Line Insulators
Insulators are subjected to bending forces that generate longitudinal and transverse-shear cracks that are generally initiated in the composite material.
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Acoustic Emission is used to determine the structural integrity of tank bottom floors without emptying the fluid stores or render the tank out of service to perform an inspection from the inside.
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The aim of this test is to perform the structural integrity evaluation of metallic pressure vessels (spheres, columns and tanks) that allows 100% inspection of the asset during a pressure testing.
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