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Complete roll inspection including surface, sub-surface, core-shell disbond and bruise inspection using a proprietary technique.
Roll Inspection: hot and cold mills, casters - ROLLMATE Gen3
ROLLMATE system in action

ROLLMATE is the most advanced roll inspection system on the market. ROLLMATE inspects rolls of any alloy, forged and cast, during or after the grinding process. With 20 sensors, including 18 independent ultrasonic channels, ROLLMATE is the only system capable of detecting surface and internal defects in any orientation on any type of roll.


  • Full automated inspection sequence on any grinder.
  • Hybrid technique piezoelectric and magnetic (patented).
  • Detects surface micro-cracks as small as 0.1mm in any orientation
  • Modular design that incorporates all inspection techniques into one sensor assembly:
    – Surface inspection to 0.08” (2mm) in four directions (left, right, clockwise, counter clockwise) to detect cracks regardless of orientation.
    – Sub-surface inspection to 2.3” (58mm) in four directions (left, right, clockwise, counter clockwise) to detect cracks regardless of orientation.
    – Deep inspection to the bond line on cast rolls and to the center line on forged rolls.
    – Shell thickness measurement.
    – Bruise (soft area) detection.
  • With advanced instrumentation and 20 dedicated sensors, ROLLMATE is the fastest system on the market (up to 4 times faster than other inspection systems with ultrasonic testing).
  • Designed for seamless integration with any grinder. Options include:
    – Actuator is integrated within the instrumentation cabinet, and installed as one piece on the grinding carriage.
    – The actuator installed separately from the instrumentation and mounted at any angle on the roll.
  • Permits inspections while grinding.
  • The results are presented on an easy to understand Rolls monitor that include C-scan, bar graphs and a 3D roll view.
  • Insensitive to roll magnetism, inspects rolls of any alloy.
  • Expert system to monitor roll performance and estimate remaining life.

ROLLMATE is the most advanced roll inspection system on the market. ROLLMATE inspects rolls of any alloy, forged and cast, during or after the grinding process. With 20 sensors, including 18 independent ultrasonic channels, ROLLMATE is the only system capable of detecting surface and internal defects in any orientation on any type of roll.


  • Full automated inspection sequence on any grinder.
  • Hybrid technique piezoelectric and magnetic (patented).
  • Detects surface micro-cracks as small as 0.1mm in any orientation
  • Modular design that incorporates all inspection techniques into one sensor assembly:
    – Surface inspection to 0.08” (2mm) in four directions (left, right, clockwise, counter clockwise) to detect cracks regardless of orientation.
    – Sub-surface inspection to 2.3” (58mm) in four directions (left, right, clockwise, counter clockwise) to detect cracks regardless of orientation.
    – Deep inspection to the bond line on cast rolls and to the center line on forged rolls.
    – Shell thickness measurement.
    – Bruise (soft area) detection.
  • With advanced instrumentation and 20 dedicated sensors, ROLLMATE is the fastest system on the market (up to 4 times faster than other inspection systems with ultrasonic testing).
  • Designed for seamless integration with any grinder. Options include:
    – Actuator is integrated within the instrumentation cabinet, and installed as one piece on the grinding carriage.
    – The actuator installed separately from the instrumentation and mounted at any angle on the roll.
  • Permits inspections while grinding.
  • The results are presented on an easy to understand Rolls monitor that include C-scan, bar graphs and a 3D roll view.
  • Insensitive to roll magnetism, inspects rolls of any alloy.
  • Expert system to monitor roll performance and estimate remaining life.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

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If you would like any more information on this system, please contact us, and one of our experts will be in touch.