FUSION FUTURE investigates new materials, processes and advanced technologies to reach a sustainable Nuclear Fusion energy.

The FUSION FUTURE project, where Innerspec Technologies collaborates with a range of leading national companies in the sector, has the general objective of investigating new materials, processes and advanced technologies that will contribute to solving the main critical aspects on the path to reach a sustainable Nuclear Fusion energy.

The project has the participation of 7 companies: EMPRESARIOS AGRUPADOS INTERNACIONAL, S.A. (EAI), as project coordinator, an international engineering company with a strong presence in the nuclear sector; LEADING METAL MECHANIC SOLUTIONS, S.L. (LEADING), specialized in advanced metalworking solutions; ADDED VALUE INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, S.L.U. (AVS), specialized in complex and critical equipment for big science; INNERSPEC TECHNOLOGIES EUROPE, S.L. (INNERSPEC), world leader in high power solutions for non-destructive testing; SENER RYMSA RF, S.L.U. (RYMSA), specialized in radio frequency and microwave devices; TÉCNICAS REUNIDAS, S.A. (TR), an international leading engineering company in the energy sector and SENER AEROESPACIAL, S.A. (SENER), a leading engineering company in scientific facilities in addition to having collaborations with 4 strategic research centers and leaders in the field that will support the research work carried out during the project.

This project, MIG-20201051 has been supported by the CDTI - Center for Industrial Technological Development. Likewise, it has been supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain.

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